Music at your wedding Ceremony sets the tone for your wedding day. No other single part of your Ceremony has the power to engage the emotions of your guests. if you’re looking to hire a traditional irish group for your wedding, look no further. When choosing dedicated professional musicians, you can rest assured you are in good hands.

Gentle Irish Airs and melodies for 10-15 minutes before the bride’s arrival will establish the mood for your Irish Wedding. We play elegant and Romantic pieces on the Uilleann pipes and Irish Fiddle as your guests are seated. Examples of such Romanic melodies include Inisheer, Mo Ghile Mear, Casadh an tSugan, Down by the Sally Gardens, Red is the Rose, The Voyage and She Moved through the Fair.
Lighting of the Marriage Candles
Parents or family of the bride and groom light the first candle and then the couple light one candle with each of their own candles signifying their union and their lights and lives becoming one. Light the light, one of Martin’s own compositions is perfect for this ceremony. Or romantic pieces such as She moved through the Fair.
Handfasting Ceremony
An ancient Irish Tradition where the couple and their close family tie together ribbons signifying their union or “Tying the Knot”.

When your Bridesmaids, Flower girls and Pageboys start to come down the Aisle there is a change in pace. We choose Stately Traditional pieces with a more uptempo beat for this, choosing pieces such as Carolan’s Draught, Si beag Si mor, Planxty Irwin and Hewlett.
Preparation of Altar and Gifts
Ag Criost an Siol is suitable for this part of the ceremony. Ag Criost an Siol is an Irish hymn. It originated as a poem, which has been described as “traditional” but was in fact written in 1916 by Father Michael Sheehan of Waterford. The words were set to music by Sean O’Riada as the offertory hymn in his 1968 setting of the mass, now known as the “O’Riada Mass
During this part of the mass there is time for 2 or 3 pieces as guests receive Communion. We chose pieces such as Fanny Power, Eleanor Plunkett, The South Wind (An Gaoth Aneas) and The Fairy Queen.

Bride’s Entrance
The Bride’s entrance is the most important part of your big day. This is the music she may most remember for the rest of her life. It can be a very personal choice and should focus the attention of the guests to her arrival. The volume should be louder and the chosen piece something with a moderate pace such as Si beag Si mor or Planxty Irwin. We can play pieces of your choice if they are suited to our instruments and our genre.
Sign of Peace
Tabhair dom do Lamh (Give me your hand) is a short piece suited to this part of the ceremony.
Signing the Register
Lord Inchquin or O’Carolan pieces are perfect for this few minutes at the end of the ceremony.
Recessional (Congratulations!!)
And now the fun begins! We suggest uptempo Irish tunes such as Jigs or Reels, eg. Haste to the Wedding, which will bring you on to the next part of your day…. The Wedding Reception.
Music for your Irish Wedding Reception
Your guests have arrived to your venue and are enjoying a glass of Champagne or a Pint of Guinness. The couple will probably be having photos taken but the guests will be waiting (and waiting) for dinner. Without music to entertain them, this can be a lull in an otherwise eventful day. This is the time of the day when most people are getting acquainted with the other half of the family, mingling and making new friends.
Lively Reels and Jigs and a few Folk songs will have guests young and old tapping their toes. Traditional Irish Music on Uilleann Pipes and Fiddle for Overseas guest is a real treat, which will be something many of them will never have heard before up close. We regularly play for Ex-Pat and International couples for that very reason.
We hope you choose to have an Irish Wedding in style with Asgards.